On Facebook
On Hunger
On The Coming Of The Apocalypse
The White Horse (Liar)- Bill Clinton
The Red Horse (warmonger)- George Bush
The Dark Horse (brings economic despair) -Barack Obama
The Pale Horse (world war) - Sarah (Pale)in
Immense Solar Activity. Calendars ending. Aztecs. 2012
The Evidence Is Overwhelming: The Apocalypse is Coming...
This grand cycle of evolution will culminate
winter solstice, December 21, 2012 AD. More here
No Motto Please, We're British
Some time during the year of 2007, it was proposed by one Gordon Brown that the British adopt a 'national motto' to sum up the 'values' of our great nation. Of course, it went absolutely nowhere, but the public nonetheless were given the opportunity to have their fun with it. The Times held a motto competition, for which members of the public were invited to give 'suggestions' as to how best express what it is that binds us as a nation. The highlights are as follows:
“Dipso, Fatso, Bingo, Asbo, Tesco”
“Britain, a terribly nice place”
“Less stuffy than we sound”
“Stubborn to the point of greatness”
“Promoting ahistorical unity myths since 1066”
“West Lothian was my undoing”
“Once mighty empire, slightly used”
“Your nation, ruined by Labour”
“Going down with Brown”
“Americans who missed the boat”
"We strive for valiant defeat"
"Let’s discuss it down the pub"
"Sorry, is this the queue?"
"Drinking continues till morale improves"
"In America we trust"
Last but not least, my personal favorite:
"At least we’re not French"
I'm Not The Only One
This video would be sublime perfection were it not for the presence of one Yoko Ono and her stare of death.
On the political mobilization of nature in seventeenth-century French formal gardens.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditiones habes
Or the importance of keeping Latin learning alive.
Good News
This from the today's New York Times:
"The economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.3 percent in the third quarter, as personal consumption spending fell for the first time in 17 years."
No doubt, people all across our great nation are becoming inspired by our message: Stop consuming, and start creating!
On War
On Language
A modest proposal: at the heart of all communication is the Will to Groom. Yet grooming, as currently practiced (e.g., 'www.facebook.com'), is unacceptable. Ergo, I call for an extension of our perestroika and glasnost into the realm of grooming.
All Gloss and No Substance
More Reasons to Salute Richard Dawkins
Finally, Dawkins has spoken out against Harry Potter. More here.
Kurt Vonnegut Quote of the Day
On Nihilism
I think God cast himself into oblivion.
There is no divine doctrine.
Do whatever you please, children.
Many things exist, but ultimately the sum is zero. There is no pillaging: we are all paying for it (we just cannot see it).
The way I see it, to encompass the whole is death itself; no longer are we bound to a particular dimension.
We think conspiracy exists but none are privy enough to realise that it is mere evolution.
If you were not tormented by others, you would find a way to torment yourself.
On the Human Obsession With Noise
The Laughter-Track; The requirement to "Contribute" in class; The Assumption that an absence of words suggests Deficiency;
All examples of the sick, carcinogenic human OBSESSION with meaningless, pointless noise.
And what is noise?
Noise is grooming. Noise is a more evolved (i.e., more efficient per unit energy) form of primitive, primate social conditioning. We call for a glasnost on noise.
Enjoy the silence. See: "Words are very unnecessary."
Quash your obsession with noise to free your soul from the chains of earthly desires. You have everything you need to survive. Stop the grooming. Make grooming an embarrassing vestige of thoughts I once had. Better by far that you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad (See: E.B. Browning).
On Micro-Aggression
On Historiographic Metafiction
This Life is Only a Part of a Mosaic
There is writing happening
Why I Love Richard Dawkins:
On Elevators (Lifts)
Take a journey in a peopled elevator today, and just feel the tension that suffuses the very air space into which you are confined for those torturous moments as you desperately await your destination. Unpleasant, isn't it?
My proposition? Individual elevators. (In addition to this, I would like to see isolation booths in libraries)
For other examples of inappropriate human confinement, see: underground train networks, espec. the London Tube.
Hoc est in votis
Why Text-Messaging Matters
[Texting]'s about escaping the hassles of reciprocity in communication. Something is certainly lost in this; much is communicated incidentally in conversation as people wend their way to what they want to say and react to the seemingly extraneous information that enters in to the exchange. But much is gained in the way of emotional efficiency when you can broadcast your intentions and proceed. This seems like a main shift in the way we communicate—social networks and cell-phones and such encourage us to broadcast information about ourselves without particular concern for reciprocity or the particular context our audience might be dealing with. It grants us the gift of impersonality, which is not the same as anonymity—it’s instead a heightened performativity; the posture of a writer toward a public. It requires us to assume a certain self-centeredness, to be sure, but it also respects the audience as well, in that it doesn’t demand their immediate attention. So I think Menand is totally wrong when he claims that “delay is the only disrespect.” The whole point of texting is that delay is your prerogative. You are not required to hold this radiation-emitting device to your ear waiting for a response.
As Facts Emerge
Anyone who has blogged his thoughts for an extended time will recognize this world. We bloggers have scant opportunity to collect our thoughts, to wait until events have settled and a clear pattern emerges. We blog now—as news reaches us, as facts emerge.
Limerick for D.W.
Why Gender is a Fabrication and Identity is a Free-Floating Artifice
On Personalities
The term "personality", used to describe the traits that make each human being an individual, is a misnomer. "Personality traits" are merely outward manifestations of insecurities, of which nearly all humans are suffused with. The only secure people are those with absolutely no "personality".
Why I Love Democracy
“He’s neither-nor,” said Ricky Thompson, a pipe fitter who works at a factory north of Mobile, while standing in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store just north of here. “He’s other. It’s in the Bible. Come as one. Don’t create other breeds.”"
This Picture Reminded Me of a Book
System.out.println("The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.");
God jewGod();
Boolean jewGod= false;
The Community of Selves
From the Atlantic Monthly:
"Imagine a long, terrible dental procedure. You are rigid in the chair, hands clenched, soaked with sweat—and then the dentist leans over and says, “We’re done now. You can go home. But if you want, I’d be happy to top you off with a few minutes of mild pain.”
There is a good argument for saying “Yes. Please do.”
"We used to think that the hard part of the question “How can I be happy?” had to do with nailing down the definition of happy. But it may have more to do with the definition of I."
Why There is No Morality
The 2000s: The Decade of No Culture
Oscar Wilde Quote of the Day
I Am
My friends forsake me like a memory lost;
I am the self-consumer of my woes,
They rise and vanish in oblivious host,
Like shades in love and death's oblivion lost;
And yet I am! and live with shadows tost
Into the nothingness of scorn and noise,
Into the living sea of waking dreams,
Where there is neither sense of life nor joys,
But the vast shipwreck of my life's esteems;
And e'en the dearest--that I loved the best--
Are strange--nay, rather stranger than the rest.
I long for scenes where man has never trod;
A place where woman never smil'd or wept;
There to abide with my creator, God,
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept:
Untroubling and untroubled where I lie;
The grass below--above the vaulted sky.
John Clare
Proust Fact #1
The Devolution of Mankind
The Perfection Delusion
The Perestroika of Self-Esteem
How does one embark on this seemingly impossible task?
Grey Squirrel: America's Revenge
The Declaration of Human Rights
- No adverts on the subway
- Above-ground trains
- Monorails (see 2.)
- White Paint
- Central Park should extend from river-to-river, thereby creating a necessary divide.
- Americans, but only Americans, are entitled to exceptionalism
- The mascot of America should be changed to the grey squirrel (see Grey Squirrel: America's Revenge)
- Inter-generational mentors
- Silence
- Robots, not waiters
The Elephant in the Room: That Elephant is Religion
The Complicated Appeal of Puppetry
The Vulgarity of Humans
Why the 1980s Were the Zenith of Western Civilisation
Nature's Magic Show
General Genocide: The Truth about Washington
Button Moon
The Irony of it All by the Streets
Senses Working Overtime by XTC
Why Numbers Are Incompatible With Life
From birth until death we are assigned numbers. The predicate "x years old" (where x is a number) is used in a manner that implies it has meaning. But it is no more than a celestial scarring of the Earth; a marking on the sands of our habitat. Where did these numbers originate? And why are they accepted as universal truths? They are merely a blindly-evolved misfiring of primitive comparing and contrasting behavior. No more than a lion on the Savannah contemplating energy sources.
Numbers are a plague on our lives. They are used to control. You are x years old and now you must do y. This is the mantra by which we live. Note the use of the number to direct and control.
In times gone by, humans did not life their lives governed by numbers. Not merely the commoners, but kings too, were blissfully ignorant of the number to which today we would assign then. Imagine a life sans age. Where one is free to encounter life's supervenient obstacles at one's own pace and volition. The liberty to enter and exit centers of mental hygiene (formal education establishments) when one is mentally, emotionally, psychically and physically ready. Citizens will reach the zenith. Life as we know it will reach the zenith.
Linearity, closely related to numbers, is another institution we wish to cleanse from our mental store-houses.