On Hunger

Half the world will go to bed hungry tonight. Interestingly, among hunter-gatherer's whose lives have barely changed in 40,000 years, hunger is seldom seen. Thus, this (and not the stone age) is an era of hunger unprecedented.  

Now, in the time of material over-abudnance, starvation is not merely an overlooked, sadenning outlier.  No, it is much more than that: it has become a necessary institution. For it is always true that as material goods accumulate, people suffer, victims of the very goods they helped accumulate, and which now enslave, victimize, and starve them.  Simulatenously, they create an unceasing desire for more, and so doubly increase our hunger

The history of humankind is this: once upon a time we lived in a world of plenty, because our needs exactly matched our available resources.  Things were going well until one day someone decided to start hoarding.  Agriculture (i.e., animal and plant hoarding), buildings, fat people, and facebook naturally followed (note these are all forms of hoarding behavior).   

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