On War

Obama-McCain have been waging war on the American mind.  Their weapon of choice: boredom. Day after day, we are subject to a barrage of badges, buttons, and all sorts of nick-knacks, and for what?  

An election is an artificial game, which follows a strange, arbitrary set of rules.  Hence, when you enter the polling booth you become nobody.  

War, in contrast, is best defined as a game with no rules.  War is life.  It is the most biological (and therefore least artful) form of human existence. When you enter this game, you perish.  The best you can hope for is to replicate your genes and store them in the body of your "child." (I agree: disgusting!)

An information war has scorched the metaphysical plane.  Ergo, our society has entered into a state of suspension; and the flower that is art has ceased to bloom (but has not yet wilted).     

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